Jun 10, 2024

Nearly $82 million raised for Colorado’s great outdoors

Thanks to the support of all of our players, the Colorado Lottery has reached the funding cap for Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) this year. This success translates to $81,771,604 in proceeds that will bolster parks, recreation, conservation, and open space projects across the state.

Growing revenue responsibly to support outdoor recreation, conservation, and schools is why the Colorado Lottery exists today. This March, the GOCO board awarded over $117 million in grants that benefited the outdoors in Colorado, marking the largest funding cycle ever. This is just a fraction of the millions that GOCO invests annually in conservation, restoration, stewardship, and wildlife projects. 

Hitting the GOCO cap allows us to extend more support to other key proceeds partners funded by Lottery revenue, including:

  • Conservation Trust Fund (CTF): $78,181,964
  • Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW): $19,545,491 in direct support, with an additional $2,488,963 allocated to both the Wildlife Cash Fund and Parks/Outdoor Recreation Cash Fund
  • Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) Program: $7,977,926
  • Outdoor Equity Program Fund (OEPG): $3,000,000

And for a bit of context: the GOCO cap, originally set at $35 million in 1992, increases annually based on the Consumer Price Index for the Denver metropolitan area. For the next fiscal year, the cap will be $86,036,071 – a 5.2% increase.

Since 1983, thanks to our player’s support, the Colorado Lottery has returned over $4.2 billion to outdoor projects and schools. Every time you play Scratch, Powerball, Mega Millions, or any of our games, you’re helping to enhance, protect, and improve parks, trails, open spaces, and schools across Colorado.

So, keep playing, Colorado! Your love for the game is making our state a better place to live, play, and enjoy the great outdoors. Explore places near you that were made possible with Lottery proceeds.

Thank you for being part of something big!

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