Nov 19, 2019
The Colorado Lottery has announced that it has earned the World Lottery Association (WLA) Responsible Gaming (RG) Level 2 Certification.
To achieve a Level 2 certification, the Colorado Lottery had to complete a self-assessment and identify RG programs to be implemented consistent with the WLA’s responsible gaming principles. The Colorado Lottery joined WLA in 2018, attaining Level 1 certification last November.
“Our commitment to responsible gaming ensures not only that the public is protected, but also that the revenues created by the Colorado Lottery are sustained for the public good and that Colorado’s greatest assets are preserved,” said Tom Seaver, Colorado Lottery director. “As one of the biggest benefactors to the Colorado way of life, we recognize that this is the opportune time to adopt the principles of the Responsible Gaming Framework.”
The Seven Responsible Gaming Principles serve as the foundation for the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework. The Framework consists of four levels of achievement around 10 different Program elements. Members then implement a broad scope of commitments and actions that must translate into actual programs that include research, employee education, retailer education, game design, promotions, advertising and marketing communications, player education, treatment referral, stakeholder engagement, reporting and measurement.
"The Panel considers your (Colorado Lottery’s) submission to be a blueprint for other lotteries seeking to be certified at that level," said Lynne Roiter, President/CEO of Loto-Quebec and evaluation Panel member, in an email.
This certification represents an important milestone and hard work for the Colorado Lottery and Director Tom Seaver, placing the Colorado Lottery in the top 15 U.S. lotteries for their commitment to responsible gaming. No U.S. Lottery has achieved a Level 5 certification, only eight are at Level 4, five at Level 3, and two at Level 2, including the Colorado Lottery.
Each of the four levels of achievement reflects how successfully a lottery has integrated the RG Principles into daily operations at different stages of implementation. The more advanced the responsible gaming program, the higher the level of achievement.
The four levels in the WLA RG Framework are:
Level 1: Commitment - by becoming a member of the WLA, lottery members agree to embrace the WLA RG Principles, which fulfill the Level 1 certification.
Level 2: Self-Assessment and Gap Analysis - members complete a self-assessment and determine which RG programs must be implemented to ensure the organization addresses all the Principles.
Level 3: Planning and Implementation - members must develop a plan, a timetable and a budget to implement specific RG programs.
Level 4: Continuous Improvement - members implement specific programs into their day-to-day operations and are continuously improving their programs.
The World Lottery Association (WLA) is an international trade organization, based in Switzerland, which serves the interests of state-authorized lotteries and suppliers to the global lottery industry.