Apr 22, 2021

The Colorado Lottery recognizes Adams County Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s (CPW) Barr Lake State Park ADA Fishing Pier project with a Starburst Award.

Barr Lake is the only state park in Adams County and is known as the oasis on the plains. The ADA Fishing Pier project was constructed to accommodate visitors that have mobility challenges. The 90-foot-long pier with a T- shaped design includes benches for seating and open areas for wheelchair access. Previously, wheelchair inaccessibility for fishing was a frequent complaint at the park, and often required them having to turn people away. When not used for fishing, park visitors can enjoy rich wildlife viewing in off months, including an established eagle nest within view of the pier. The $669,376 project was funded by a Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) grant of $250,000 and $90,736 from CPW.

“Conservation is a key pillar for the Lottery. It includes not only conserving open space, but also upgrading recreational spaces, creating new places for Coloradans to play, and supporting ecosystems and wildlife,” said Tom Seaver, director of the Colorado Lottery. “This year's Starburst Award winners reflect the wide ranging projects that our proceeds support. With now $3.6 billion going to our proceeds beneficiaries since the Lottery’s inception, we continue to look for new ways to grow revenue responsibly to protect more of Colorado’s great outdoors."


Nearly $10.4 million in Lottery funds are represented in 11 winning projects distributed statewide through grants via Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO), the Conservation Trust Fund (CTF), Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), and Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST).

starburst awards, winner, barr lake state park, ada, fishing pier, americans with disabilities act

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