Let the Ca$h Roll In!
CHA-CHA-CHING! You can win up to $250,000 playing $10 $250,000 Casino Nights. It offers two instant top prizes of $250,000 and it's also loaded with prizes ranging from $10 all the way up to $50,000! Overall odds of winning a prize is 1:3.33 so get your game on and play today.
Five Games and a Bonus Play On One Ticket!
Each game is played separately. Game One: Get three identical amounts and you'll win the amount shown. Get two identical amounts and a "money bag" symbol and you'll win 50 times the amount shown. Game Two: Match any of Your Numbers to the Winning Number and you'll win the prize shown for that number. Get a "100X" symbol and you'll win 100 times the prize shown. Get a "$50 bill" symbol and you'll win 50 bucks automatically. Game Three: Add all three numbers on each dice for each roll and if your total equals 7 or 11 in any one roll, you'll win the prize shown for that roll. Game Four: Get two like symbols in any one "pull" and you'll win the prize shown. Game Five: Get three like symbols in an entire row, column or diagonal and you'll win the prize shown. For your Bonus opportunity, scratch and reveal a "$100 bill" symbol and you'll win $100 automatically. Go all-in with all of the action on just one ticket!
Upping the Ante With Another Chance to Win!
Double down with a second chance to win! Enter your non-winners into our second-chance Bonus Draw and you'll have another chance to win $250,000! Just enter the 22-digit code located beneath the scratch-off coating on your ticket in the second-chance Bonus Draw area of our website.
Or... you can use your smartphone to scan the barcode and be automatically entered. Download it today!
Entries Accepted: Feb. 22, 2021, 6 a.m.
Entry Deadline: Aug. 8, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
Drawing Date: Aug. 12, 2025, noon