Enter to Win 30 $2 Frenzy Scratch
Get in on the Frenzy by answering the question for your chance to win thirty $2 Frenzy Scratch (that's $60 worth of tickets). Ten prizes will be drawn on Tuesday, March 11th.
Come back next week, beginning Monday, February 24th, after 12 p.m., for another chance to win $5 Frenzy tickets.
Only one entry per email address per week is eligible for entry.
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Featured Entries
“Aspen in the 1970's, when climate change was minimal and there was a neighborly culture of peace and love.”
“I would go to 2030 to see where we are in life. good or bad”
By Mary H.
“I would like to go to the mid to late 70s because we are just figuring out computers early cell phones. The music was awesome and I didn’t have a care in the world”
By Andrea C.
“1984 home (Pueblo Colorado) to spend more time with my Dad 😊😅 my happy place”
By Selina L.
“I would like to go back in time when my kids were young and we had dinner together every night. Also my dad was still around, I miss him every day!”
By Michael R.
“Past 70’s ish Because it was a simpler time than it is now. And ppl knew how to treat other ppl back then.”
By Keith
“1980’s to go back into my teenage years to make alternative choices in life…hindsight is 20/20.”
By Edward G.
“1950's in order to "re-live" my high school years as it should have been done. Best era ever!!”
By Maureen S.
“I would visit the rennesaince period in Italy, see DaVinci and his work in person. Why? Because it's Italy and he was so diverse in his knowledge”
By Duane B.
“2037 so I can come back and inform my great grandchildren”
By Deborah V.
“The 60's for peace, love, and rock n roll”
By Sara G.
“90's because I would have made better choices. Like finish school.”
By Vicki B.
“Past-1963 to see a Beatles concert live.”
By Stephen H.
“Future, because who wouldn't want to see what happens”
By Cindy D.
“I'd go back to 2012 right after I graduated to see if I could redo some things and set myself up for a better future for the current present time.”
By Chelsea H.
“Future, maybe 15 years, to see how my son and daughter are doing, whether they have settled down and have their own kids yet. There's no guarantee that I'll be around then, so a time machine would be cool for that”
By Iain B.
“1998, I would love to be able force my teenage self to make different core decisions and see how different my life would have been.”
By Starla B.
“I would go back in time to visit my grandma one last time. Because I miss her.”
By Deidra D.
“1920's. I like the women's clothing”
By Lili A.
“The Victorian Era, from about 1940 to 1900, but only if I could be born rich. Beautiful homes and clothing.”
By Julia M.
“Future. To are what this world has become.”
By Gregory W.
“Back to the mid 1980's of course! Best time to be alive. So many fond memories of the music, culture, friends & family.”
By Devin T.
“I would go back to 1980's. Let me see my grand parents again, my mom and dad young, and the days when Breckenridge was the original Breckenridge. Skiing was great, snow was amazing, and it was a small charming town. The 80's were the days you could go outside, walk to school and there wasn't the internet, facebook, or cell phones to interfere with just being a kid. Take me back!”
By Carrie G.
“Pat early 70's to buy stocks and real estate.”
By Rick W.
“I would go back to 2018 and not retire”
By Edward V.
“I'd go back to 1787 to watch over the next few years as The Constitution is ratified and our nation is born!”
By Leif S.
“Future Era...Then come back. I could use what I learned there in today's lifetime”
By Loretta L.
“I would choose to visit Denver in 50 years. Our city is growing so much and I would be fascinated to see the growth and progress 50 years from now.”
By Eric M.
“San Francisco in the 24th Century, to see if Starfleet Command exists.”
By Larry C.
“The fifties, great cars people and music. Good old days”
By David M.
“Vegas on my Birthday for the Lights ,shows ,food , and Gambling”
By Rex W.
“1950's - early 1960's simpler times and such a vibrant growth of the country”
By Janna B.
“I would go back to the 80s when things were simpler but fun.”
By Andrea C.
“I'd revisit the current era. A do over perhaps?”
By Cecilia G.
“Fast forward to Nov for my cruise. So need a break right now”
By Susan A.
“Future! I was older when I had kids so maybe I could glimpse grandkids if I went into the future.”
By Stacey G.
“I would say, if I had a time machine I would go back several years, where me and my neighbors were having fun. For my neighbors had a four wheeler and it was the talk for awhile and exciting, not just that, but we always visited each other, we jammed out, as the neighbors daughter was jumping on a trampoline, listen to the thong song!!”
By Matthew A.
“I want to go back to my hometown in the early 70's, knowing what I know now so I can talk to my parents again and ask a lot of questions.”
By Thomas S.
“Past Al Capone days Want to meet him.and his associates”
By Roy N.
“I would go to the Caribbean in the late 1700's. Time to be a pirate!”
By Justin S.
“I would go to the past in 1970 where I was a cheerleader and had the best time of my life. No worries just have kid fun”
By Norma h.
“1930 Manhattan, NY. Get in on all the falling stocks and newly inconvenienced millionaires looking for quick cash.”
By Brett M.
“I'd like to visit the early 70's again. Loved the music, the people I knew, and the places I visited during that time.”
By Patricia B.
“Past the almo go now watch the Americans defend their home land”
By David H.
“Early 2000s had no idea how good it was to be in my 20s and 30s !”
By Mollie B.
“I am definitely going back to the 90's era, when I grew up in Bennett,CO. I want to go back because life was just so much better, technology hadn't ruined kid's and it just was such a blast from the past. And I would go back today if I could.”
By Lisa D.
“When the Roman Empire ruled the world.It would be a must for me!”
By Emlyn W.
“October 25th 2019 the day I lost my daughters father. Life just doesn't feel right without, like something is missing. My daughter has to grow up without her father and they were never even able to meet each other.”
By Brionna
“I go to the future to see what I can change now!”
By Ramon l.
“1980s San Francisco Bay Area for the music scene.”
By David M.
“While many people would visit the past for nostalgic reasons, I prefer to see how the future turns out for the human race, given the problems we are unwilling to face today.”
By Larry R.
“I would so go to the 1960s the music was so amazing love was everywhere durning a time of war. And people fight for there rights.”
By Jeff c.
“Past. Waco Texas, back to my home, mowing grass, backyard, trees..good job. New car, Peace of Mind. ( until a tragedy struck)”
By Lucretia A.
“Like oh my GAWD, totally the 80's dude!”
By Sara
By Jag
“2000’s because I would like to revisit some things that changed my life”
By Bianca
“The future! I want to see how well my ancestors are doing, and enjoy their success!”
By Jerald C.
“I would go back to the 80's to spend more time with people who have passed”
By Catherine L.
“1950s, the cars were so cool”
By Bill S.
“1940s. Id like to experience ww2 England and see what my dad and family endured in the British navy”
By Lori L.
“Future, how much crazier can things get”
By Greg U.
“I would go to the past. I know you aren’t supposed to mess with things that change the future but without interacting with anyone I would change the one thing that changed my entire life. I would get rid of the damn tv remote! Long story but it changed my entire life.”
By Heather p.
“I would go back to the 80's. I had so much fun overseas in the Military and I would change a few things in my life back then.”
“Past, back to the 80's when life was much simpler!”
By HT S.
“I would go to the colonial times, because there were some semi-modern conveniences but much fewer people - and I could just establish my own homestead.”
By Andrew C.
“Any time is better than right now...”
By Eric M.
“Back to my childhood. 1979 in Denver. Revisit my parents.”
By Erin S.
“Future: Vegas. Go to future See who one some sporting events. return and make bets the day of event. You know like Back to the future.”
By Marty S.
“I would go to the past to visit with my Grandma's again. I was close to both and lost both grandmas within 2 years of each other.”
By Rose H.
“Back to the early 90's. The kids were small and so fun. So much fun to see the light bulb turn on when they figured out what you were trying to teach them.”
By Anthony G.
“80s. Back to my childhood.”
By Darin Z.
“1979 Pueblo Colorado Pueblo Central High School relive Senior Year of High School”
By Judy M.
“future to visit mars”
By phil g.
“Visit a time we are on Mars”
By jayne w.
“The past. I want to know the answers to some of the biggest mysteries and theories”
By Eric G.
“The future. To warn others about where we are headed..”
By K. T.
“I'd go back to around 2500BC so I could see how the pyramids were REALLY built.”
By Bruce S.
“I'd go 100 years in the future to see all the cool (hopefully) happenings”
By TaMara C.
“To the 50s-60s for the music!!!”
By Ehren M.
“I would choose to go back in the past. I would join a peaceful Native American tribe and live with them for a year to learn about living how they did, off the land yet respectfully.”
By Jeanette B.
“The Mesozoic era because I want to see a dinosaur. I can leave on Tuesday.”
By Kevin M.
“The 1800’s. To experience the old west”
By Rick d.
“I would go back and time and stop myself from being born cuz I don't have any friends or family that cares about me 😭”
By Julian c.
“80's for sure! Those were the best times!”
By Teresa H.
“To the beginning of time and I would go now. I would like to see the Garden of Eden to answer some personal questions that will never be answered till I see God.”
“The 80’s! Great times and life was good! Great music and memories!”
By dawn d.
“the future”
By Leslie J.
“Back to the 70's and not get married!!”
By Rochelle L.
“100 years in the future to see the rate of progress related to the previous 100 years.”
By Kelli L.
“Future because I've always been poor and I would like to have money I'm not saying I wouldnt want to be Rich but I would like to have enough money to take my kids on vacation and be able to pay bills and get a new car and buy a affordable house to raise my family”
By Valerie G.
“Early 1900s - try to make a difference in the world (positive)”
By Bruce H.
“I’d go back in time and visit my grandparents.”
By Cheryl V.
“The past. I lost my tardis in the seventies”
By David R.
“I would go back to the 80's. It was a simpler time but just advanced enough technology wise.”
By William a.
“I would go to the past to when I was 16 and make a few adjustments with the knowledge I have now”
By Central h.
“Past , so I can redo some things in life differently”
By Troy R.
“Definitely the past - some of my choices could have been better.”
By Danna B.
“I go forward 20 years and use the information from what I learned to come back and be successful and rich. Or I'd visit Feb 24th and see what the best answer was for this contest and use that to win the prize!”
By Skyler A.
“Future, to traveling with my wife all over the country and hopefully internationally, going to Ireland, and Spain seeing where our ancestors came from, spending as much time together as we can before we part ways on earth fulfilling her bucket list.”
By Jeff W.
“Roaring 20’s in New York City because it seems like it would be an exciting and fun time.”
By Susan G.
“70's way more relaxed!”
By Melissa T.
“1960’s best era ever! Music and Dance and dancing were good!”
By Barb L.
“Nowhere but here and now - past is gone”
By Dena S.
“1960's Since things were simpler and fun then!”
By Elizabeth C.
“1970 cuz I'm an old hippie”
By Merlin R.
“Past so I can see my family members that that passed away”
By grace s.
“Future . I would go to Colorado and see my grandchildren and see how there doing . And get the lottery past numbers so when I get back I can win big”
By Richard B.
“The 1920 new york. The flappers and gangsters knew how to party.”
By Amanda H.
“I would like to see the future maybe by 100 years. I would love to see if we are able to cure cancer and make life better in general.”
By Rose S.
“1970's, I'd go now, times were a bit less stressful!!!”
By Virginia G.
“Future just so I know what to expect in my future life”
By Lee H.
“Renaissance Italy! To Florence, to meet Leonardo da Vinci and watch him paint.”
By Loren L.
“1876 when Colorado becomes a state. I would like to see this first hand as we navigate from territory to statehood. What does it mean? Who picked the flag? what are the steps to protect the land? Such an interesting history.”
By Tracy L.
“I go back to the late 80s . so my twin sister and I could ride our horses .. Just one more time... :)”
By Lisa
“Back 2 days before Christmas last year. where our daughter Winter was a 29week still born on Christmas . Maybe if we go to the doctors 2 days before she would be with us today alive.”
By Steven g.
“80s..The 80s were the best Decade”
By Christina P.
“The 80's of course!”
By Janine B.
“The Future! I would not want to see my past; I want to better myself in the future.”
By Maria O.
“To meet Jesus”
“1970’s PAST! Take me back to Hawaii… Beautiful beaches, a time of innocence and pure fun for a 10- year old kid!”
By Haydee S.
“The year 2300 to see what humanity is up to.”
By Abel D.
“Back to the 70’s I’d go back right now no cell phones no cameras just go back to real and peaceful living.”
By Joe
“1990’s now”
By Kellie G.
“To the 80”
By Sharon d.
“California in 1950 to see the beauty before pollution and buildings changed it!”
By Heid H.
“I would go back in my past to correct some mistakes!”
By Deanne A.
“past to correct a mistake.”
By William M.
“Future.To find out the powerball numbers”
By Tim v.
“Going back to 1999 and Disneyland to ride A Bugs Life, while eating a Mickey Mouse popsicle.”
By Vince
“I would go to the 50s - where I could experience sock hops and dances and also see the innocence of a world that has been lost”
By Mistie R.
“Past! I'd love to talk to my grandma again!”
By Amanda E.
“1980's It was the best yesr ever from style to music!!!”
By Tricia Y.
“Future. Italy in 2028 because I have always wanted to travel the world and Italy is a very beautiful place I have always wanted to see.”
By Tasha A.
“Back to the 80s. Great music movies and worries in the world. Lol”
“Back to the past- I would love to talk to my Dad just once again! Taken too soon”
By Kellye R.
“Any time but this one! Preferably the 1950's... Times were simpler!”
By Tad S.
“80’s, High School, to make different decisions”
By Cinde E.
“1980's for sure. Arguably, the last fully carefree era we've had.”
By Damien B.
“August 28, 1963, Lincoln Memorial Washington DC, to be in the crowd when Dr. Martin Luther King gave his "I Have a Dream" speech. This is probably the best-known speech of all time and it cuts me to the core every time I hear it.”
By Rachael C.
“The 80s...for the music”
By Rickey N.
“That was my mom and dad to start my life over again. I perhaps it would be much better thank you.”
By Lonnie G.
“The 80’’s, totally!”
By Patricia B.
“The 1980's. It was a very cool time. Everything was so simple.”
By Richard H.
“I'd go to the past and do more things before I got diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis”
By Tiffany S.
“1 year into the future to colorado to get the winning lotto numbers.”
By Robert D.
“1970's good music, freedom, lots of love”
By Stephanie R.
“Future! Curious.”
By Natalya V.
“200 years in the future to see what is left of humans”
By Won K.
“Past, it was better then.”
By D
“Definitely the future to see if there really are flying cars and that climate change has been fixed but also to be able to see that my kids are healthy and hopefully wealthy!”
By Janis R.
“Future - to see what's in store that I will not live to experience.”
By Cathy P.
“Future,got to see that”
By Carol
“I would go into the near future to see if we got any better or worse in society.”
By Dereck G.
“I'm going yo the future so I know what to prepare myself for”
By Urieda W.
“Definitely see Elvis in Las Vegas- we're talking like right towards the end when he was kissing girls and being so weird. I would try to get a kiss but my husband would be jealous.”
By Kelly S.
“1950s- to see my grandparents young”
By Sandra L.
“As much as I’d be tempted, I would smash the Time Machine to pieces to keep a paradox from destroying the time space continuum.”
By John J.
“Future to see if my life gets better”
By Filomena Y.
“Past. To play the winning lottery #'s. Hahaha.”
By Jordan H.